Ekonomia "ludowa": Jak ekonomia behawioralna może pomóc w zrozumieniu decyzji wyborczych [Folk economics: How behavioral economics can enhance our understanding of voter behavior] Ivo Bischoff (Institute of Economics, Universität Kassel, Germany) For a long time, economists have assumed that voters are (poorly informed) utility maximizers choosing the policy platform that promises the highest level of utility. Behavioral economics shows that this view is drastically oversimplified. The first part of my talk will review selected strands of literature on voter behavior from experimental economics as well economic psychology. The main focus rests on important empirical regularities in voter behavior that cannot be explained by the traditional model of economic voting. In the second part of my talk, I will present an experimental study on voter behavior in the context of redistributional policies. In addition, I will present preliminary results from a series of survey experiments we are currently conducting to learn more about party competition and the role of "political brands".