Szacownie kwantyli rozkładów prawdopodobieństwa dla maksymalnych opadów dobowych i krótkich ciągów danych obserwacyjnych dla potrzeb projektowania inżynierskiego [Quantile estimation of probability distributions for maximum daily precipitation and short time series of observational data for engineering design] Ewa Broszkiewicz-Suwaj Katedra Zastosowań Matematyki, UPWr, Wrocław Knowledge of the distribution quantiles of precipitation maximum amounts is required in many fields concerning engineering design or hydrological risk assessment. When the number of observation years is small, it is not possible to fit the probability distribution function to maximum values and to calculate quantiles. This paper presents a procedure for calculating the quantiles of the probability distribution of daily precipitation maximums over a year using stochastic convergence of distributions. The distribution series of random variables, defined based on the cut-off sample with the elimination of the smallest values, made it possible to determine the quantiles for times series of order alpha of the distribution. These values were approximated by a function from the exponential class and then extrapolated to obtain quantiles for the distribution of maxima. The resulting quantile estimates, for short time series, were corrected using the kurtosis of the data used for estimation, which leads to a very large error reduction.