Handel na rynku dnia następnego z wykorzystaniem krótkoterminowych prognoz cen energii elektrycznej - generatywne metody uczenia maszynowego [Trading on short-term path forecasts of intraday electricity prices - generative machine learning methods] Jieyu Chen (Institute of Statistics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany) We propose a novel multivariate generative model for electricity prices in intraday continuous trading markets. In this new class of nonparametric data-driven distributional regression models, path forecasts of intraday electricity prices are obtained directly as the output of a generative neural network. The generative model is trained by optimizing the energy score between the path forecasts and real prices, and is conditional on exogenous input variables including wind generation. In a case study of a selected German intraday electricity market, we demonstrate the benefits of our generative model in terms of both statistical error metrics and economic evaluation based on different trading strategies.