Modele dynamiki opinii dotyczące polaryzacji i ekstremizacji [Opinion dynamics models of polarization and extremization] Guillaume Deffuant (Complex Systems Lab, INRAE, France) In this talk, I will review three families of models that claim to account for opinion polarization or extremization and point out their relation with some cognitive biases. I will first consider the bounded confidence models with extremists or with repulsive interactions. I will present the relation of this model with the confirmation bias and some aspects of the discussion about sociological grounding of repulsive interactions. The second family of models is based on the "argument communication theory" and I will particularly focus on its recent version that explicitly includes a confirmation bias. The third family of models is derived from the so-called Leviathan model, showing the particularity that agents hold opinions about each other. This model relates to the affective polarization. I will show that the study of this model led to the detection of a yet unknown cognitive bias on self-evaluation.