Zarządzanie (ryzykiem) wiedzą(y) w niepewnych i dynamicznych środowiskach [Knowledge (risk) management in uncertain and dynamic environments] Susanne Durst (Department of Business Administration, TalTech, Tallinn, Estonia) The on-going COVID-19 pandemic has underlined once more how important it is to have access to relevant and updated information and knowledge to make improved decisions. Even though Knowledge Management has established itself as a field of study. A closer look at the extant literature, however, shows that knowledge is still primarily discussed as something positive, something of value. Potential downsides of knowledge are (still) neglected or underestimated. Organizations that fail to properly manage their critical knowledge to secure its value-creation potential undergo significant risks, for example, loss of expertise or reinvention of know-how. Therefore, the need to carefully manage the downside risks of knowledge is high too. One can argue that managers can only make use of the full potential of the organization's knowledge when considering both knowledge as an asset and as a liability (a negative risk). Against the challenges both private and public organizations are facing, such as digitalization, skills shortage, succession planning and sustainability, to name a few, there is a strong need to bring knowledge risks and ways to handle/manage them more into the limelight. Therefore, the aim of the seminar is to introduce to the other side of knowledge to raise awareness of the different qualities of knowledge and the likely consequences.