Zarządzanie decyzjami o zamknięciu produkcji: Perspektywa odpowiedzialności społecznej [Managing shutdown decisions in merchant commodity production: A social commerce perspective] Stein-Erik Fleten (Department of Industrial Economics and Technology Management, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway) Merchant commodity/energy production assets operate in markets with volatile prices and exchange rates. Plant closures often adversely affect the parent company and the local community. We study if mitigating these effects is financially viable by designing two types of policies that delay or avoid a plant closure. Our social commerce perspective towards managing shutdown decisions deviates from the commonly used asset value maximization objective in merchant operations. The first policy is grounded in anticipated regret theory and determined using approximate dynamic programming (ADP), while the second extends production margin-based heuristics used in practice and is computed using ADP and binary classification. Our operating policies significantly delay/avoid shutdowns for small asset value losses on real aluminum production instances. Based on: A.Trivella, S.Nadarajah, S.-E.Fleten, D.Mazieres and D.Pisinger (2018) Managing shutdown decisions in merchant commodity and energy production: A social commerce perspective. Available at SSRN: