Modelowanie procesu składania zleceń na niemieckim rynku energii elektrycznej intraday z wykorzystaniem procesów Hawkesa [Modeling market order arrivals on the intraday power market for deliveries in Germany with the Hawkes process] Nikolaus Graf von Luckner (House of Energy Markets and Finance, University Duisburg-Essen, Essen, D) We analyze market order arrivals on the intraday power market for deliveries in Germany. In addition to distinguishing between buy and sell market orders, we also consider partitions such as market orders which cause the mid price and bid-ask spread to change and those which do not. The incorporation of such partitions gives rise to a multivariate setting with individual counting processes for each partition. We focus on whether Hawkes processes with time-varying baseline intensities and exponential kernels are suitable for modeling these counting processes. For this process class we provide analytical expressions for the conditional expectations of the intensities and introduce a new simulation method. In our empirical part we assess the goodness-of-fit and the out-of-sample forecasting performance. Our results indicate that the models where each component's intensity depends at least on its own history are the most promising ones.