Probabilistyczne prognozowanie cen energii elektrycznej: Ewaluacja prognoz wielowymiarowych i finansowa wartość prognozy [Probabilistic electricity price forecasting: Multivariate forecast evaluation and the value of a forecast] Tim Janke (Energy Information Networks and Systems Lab, TU Darmstadt, Germany) The paradigm in electricity price forecasting, as in many other forecasting domains, has shifted from point to probabilistic forecasting. Probabilistic forecasts enable the use of stochastic programming techniques to improve decision making under uncertainty, e.g., for power plant dispatch decisions. However, probabilistic forecasts usually come in the form of marginal distributions over the individual prices while actually scenarios representing realizations of the multivariate price vector are needed. In this talk I will first present a quantile regression neural network for the simultaneous estimation of the quantiles of the marginal price distributions. I will then show a way to generate scenarios from the obtained marginals using a Gaussian copula and discuss the evaluation of multivariate scenario forecasts. Finally, I will present an exemplary power plant dispatch problem to investigate the monetary value of probabilistic forecasts.