Rola dysonansu poznawczego w modelu agentowym zachowań proekologicznych [The role of cognitive dissonance in agent-based modeling of sustainable behavior] Barbara Kamińska (Doctoral School - Management, KSZiRO, PWr, Wrocław) There is no doubt that climate change is an important issue. Despite the fact that the recommendations on how to prevent global warming are well known and have not changed significantly in recent years, we still have problems with their implementation. Such a situation can lead to the so-called cognitive dissonance, which is a state of unpleasant mental tension that occurs when simultaneously occurring cognitive elements related to the phenomenon being learned are incompatible with each other, or when people's behavior is inconsistent with their attitudes. Within the framework of an agent model with private and public opinions, we study how psychological mechanisms for preventing cognitive dissonance affect the presence of an intention-behavior gap, and the emergence of so-called social hysteresis, which is strongly associated with a delayed response to a changing situation and thus can slow down the adoption of products and pro-environmental behavior.