Praktyczne zastosowanie konformalnej prognozy do składania zleceń na rynek dnia następnego - punkt widzenia tradera energii elektrycznej [A practical application of Conformal Prediction in day-ahead market bidding – an energy trader's point of view] Christopher Kath (HEMF, Universität Duisburg-Essen & RWE, Essen, D) Many scientific papers present great advances in research but lack one thing: the additional gains in a company's value-chain. Is the proposed solution achievable with reasonable effort, can it be implemented to solve real-world problems? We want to elaborate on these aspects based on a concept called Conformal Prediction. While initially stemming from the world of machine learning, it has never been applied or analyzed in the context of short-term electricity price forecasting. Therefore, we elaborate the aspects that render Conformal Prediction worthwhile to know and explain why its simple - yet very effective - idea has worked in other fields of application and why its characteristics are promising for short-term power applications as well. We present how it can easily be utilized in a traditional short-term power trading problem, describe its implementation and show possible benefits for a power trading company.