Przekonania konsumentów a decyzje producentów na oligopolistycznym rynku dóbr trwałego użytku [Consumer beliefs and producer decisions in a durable goods oligopoly] Michał Kot (Collegium of Economic Analysis, SGH, Warszawa) Producers operating in durable goods markets make complex decisions regarding product design, production planning and pricing, which are all hindered by the characteristics of these markets. The study aims to explain how producers' incorporation of consumer beliefs about product features in the decision-making process affects the demand and profits of companies. Since the market under consideration has certain features, i.e., the existence of autonomous agents with individual characteristics and behaviours; intensive interactions between agents; learning and adapting to changes and the emergence of unplanned, global regularities from local interactions, the research method used in the study is the creation and examination of the agent-based model of durable goods oligopoly. The model can reflect the behaviour of each market's entity and the market as a whole. The aim of experiments performed with the model is twofold: to capture the behaviour of market entities and to measure outcomes of these decisions. Obtained results confirm the existence of significant differences in decisions made by companies that strive to reveal consumer beliefs and decisions made by firms that omit consumer research. The effects of these decisions are affected by market characteristics (e.g., frequency of communication between consumers) and actions undertaken by competitive firms.