Dlaczego miałbym się tym przejmować? Badanie jakościowe postrzegania społeczności energetycznych przez właścicieli instalacji fotowoltaicznych w Polsce [Why would I bother? A qualitative study on perceptions of renewable energy communities by photovoltaic installation owners in Poland] Anna Kowalska-Pyzalska (Department of Operations Research and Business Intelligence, PWr, Wrocław) I will present the results of a qualitative study aimed at analyzing the incentives and barriers to participation in Renewable Energy Communities (RECs) from the perspective of current and potential prosumers. Within this study we aimed to understand prosumers' attitudes, motivations and needs regarding their participation in RECs. We used Bronfenbrenner's ecological environmental model as the theoretical background of the study. The results of the analysis allow us to prepare the next stage of the quantitative-qualitative study and to draw the first conclusions about the specifics of the Polish market.