Wzrost produkcji żywności poprzez optymalizację urządzeń energetycznych [Increasing food production by optimizing energy devices] Kamil Kowalski (Doctoral School - Environmental Engineering, Mining, and Power Engineering, PWr, Wrocław) Food is an integral element of the human existence on Earth. Recent decades have seen significant population growth, which translates into an increasing demand for food. This means that the current energy equipment used for its production will need to be upgraded in the near future. The optimization process itself should be realized in terms of not only reducing production time but also reducing electricity consumption. Reducing the execution time of a given production process will allow for increased production of a given type of food. In turn, the reduction in electricity consumption will contribute to economic savings along with a reduction in the release of harmful compounds into the atmosphere. Achieving such benefits will be possible by performing an analysis of the phenomena that occur in the energy equipment used and then increasing efficiency. One such device is mixers, which are commonly used in the food industry. The device itself is used to either cool or heat the liquid inside. Despite many years since its invention, the mechanism of heat transfer is still not fully understood. Nowadays, modern velocity measurement methods are available to study the phenomena on a microscale.