Modele uczenia głębokiego dla regresji probabilistycznej - przykłady zastosowań w prognozowaniu pogody i na rynku energii [Deep learning models for distributional regression, with applications in weather and energy forecasting] Sebastian Lerch (Statistical Methods and Econometrics, Institute of Economics, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie - KIT, Germany) Nowadays, a transition from deterministic to probabilistic forecasting can be observed in a variety of application domains. In this talk, I will discuss various aspects of designing, estimating and evaluating distributional regression models utilizing recent advances from machine learning. In particular modern deep learning methods offer various advantages over standard approaches. For example, distributional regression models based on neural networks allow for flexibly modeling nonlinear relations between arbitrary predictor variables and forecast distribution parameters that are automatically learned in a data-driven way rather than requiring prespecified link functions. The focus of the talk will be on applications in weather predictions, and their subsequent use in energy forecasting models. Weather forecasts today are based on ensemble simulations of numerical weather prediction models. To obtain reliable and accurate probabilistic forecasts, these ensemble weather predictions require statistical post-processing to correct systematic errors such as biases or an underestimation of the true forecast uncertainty. Traditionally, this is accomplished with parametric distributional regression models in which the parameters of a predictive distribution are estimated from training data. I will present recent examples and case studies where modern deep learning methods were able to achieve substantial improvements in predictive performance, and will illustrate how those methods can contribute to improving renewable energy forecasting.