Probabilistyczne prognozowanie cen energii elektrycznej z wykorzystaniem regresji izotonicznych [Probabilistic forecasting of electricity prices with isotonic regressions] Arkadiusz Lipiecki (Doctoral School - Management, KSZiRO, PWr, Wroclaw) Forecasting of electricity prices is an essential tool for supporting decision-making of electricity markets' participants. However, simple point forecasts provide limited information. Hence probabilistic forecasts, represented as distributions of future prices, gain increasingly more attention, as they allow to assess and mitigate the risks connected with high volatility of electricity prices. In my talk I will discuss models for probabilistic forecasting of day-ahead electricity prices that rely on point forecasts as input. This approach allows to borrow the complexity of expert point forecasting models and build relatively simple probabilistic forecasting models. In particular, I will focus on the application of stochastic order and discuss Isotonic Distributional Regression, which has not been previously studied on electricity markets. Additionally, I will introduce an isotonic version of Quantile Regression Averaging - a well-established forecast combination method. To thoroughly assess the accuracy of the models, they are tested on four day-ahead markets during two periods of qualitatively different price dynamics - COVID-19 pandemic and Russian invasion of Ukraine.