Po której stronie płotu trawa jest bardziej zielona? Identyfikacja wpływu granic administracyjnych dla zróżnicowania rozwoju na poziomie regionalnym (*) [On which side of the fence is the grass greener? Identifying the role of administrative boundaries for regional development] Michał Myck (Centrum Analiz Ekonomicznych - CenEA, Szczecin) We take advantage of a unique form and scale of the administrative reform implemented in Poland on January 1st 1999 to study the role of administrative boundaries for regional economic development. The reform reduced the number of the top tier administrative districts (voivodeships) from 49 to 16 and created a large central region, the Mazovian voivodeship, with Warsaw – the country’s capital as its centre. We focus on peripheral municipalities of this voivodeship and compare their economic performance in relation to neighbouring municipalities on the outside of the Mazovian administrative border between 1995 and 2012. We use a range of regional indicators for economic development including employment, measures of local government finances, size of local physical infrastructure and a proxy for overall development in the form of satellite images of nighttime illumination. Applying the difference-in-differences approach we identify differential development between municipalities on the inside and the outside of the new administrative boundary of the Mazovian voivodeship. We find positive implications of being included in the Mazovian voivodeship for employment, local government revenue and expenditure and very strong effects for regional public infrastructure. The differences in development, however are not high enough to be reflected in differentiated development as captured by the nighttime illumination data, although point estimates for a later part of the analysed post-reform period (2005-2012) are consistent with results based on administrative data. (*) Joint work with Mateusz Najsztub