Wpływ pozaoptymalnej pracy turbiny Francisa na zjawiska przepływowe w rurze ssącej [The influence of partial load operation of the Francis turbine on the flow structure in the draft tube] Aneta Nycz (Doctoral School - Environmental Engineering, Mining, and Power Engineering, PWr, Wrocław) The position of the machine's operating point in the hydraulic system of thrust turbines determines the flow phenomena occurring in the system. The change in the operating range of the water motor is of great importance for the operation of the liquid discharge element, the draft tube. Its function is to enable the use of the geometric slope contained between the turbine rotor and the lower water table, as well as to recover the kinetic energy of the fluid flowing out of the rotor (the dynamic component of the pressure) owing to the diffuser shape and closed form of the pipe. The importance of draft tubes in the operation of water engines is well known. It increases as the speed distinction increases and in some cases can reach as much as 50-55% of the power generated by the water turbine. The process of designing draft tubes is very important and requires great care to ensure that they work correctly over as wide a range of water engine operations as possible. The draft tubes of dual-controlled water turbines are less affected by the non-uniformity of the fluid velocity profile at the inlet. This is beneficial energetically. In the case of single-stage turbines, using a guide vane, any reduction in the esophagus from the optimum point will be distinguished by the occurrence of flow with a curl in the inlet section to the draft tube. This study aimed to identify the effect of non-optimal Francis turbine operation on flow phenomena in the draft tube. The presented problem concerning the stability of Francis turbine operation at part load is an important operational topic for the water engine. Emerging flow disturbances in the draft tube are a cause of the reduced efficiency of the machine and reduced service life. The presentation includes a discussion of several introductory topics: an introduction to hydropower, the construction of a hydropower plant using the example of the research facility analyzed, the classification of hydropower turbines, the theory of operation of the Francis turbine, the elements of fluid discharge with particular emphasis on the draft tube and cavitation in hydraulic machines. The indicated flow structure in the draft tube, in the form of a cavitation vortex rope, was identified as the cause of excessive vibration and a decrease in machine efficiency. The final part of the research was to test one of the methods to partially or completely solve the flow structure disturbance. A research plan via computational fluid dynamics was drawn up to verify exemplary forms that structurally level or reduce the effect of cavitation string vortex - fins. With the data obtained from the analyses and calculations, a comprehensive analysis was made of the effect of the non-optimal operation of the Francis turbine on the flow phenomena in the draft tube.