Opracowanie zintegrowanego systemu zarządzania w libijskim szkolnictwie wyższym [Collaborative development of an Enterprise Resource Planning system in the Libyan Higher Education System] Tareq Salahi (KBO, PWr, Wrocław & University of Tripoli, Libya) The field of information systems (IS) has already become a major functional area of business. IS are found everywhere and can be shared by various organizations. Indeed, in today's inter-networked global environment, IS play a vital role in e-business and e-commerce operations, the management of enterprises, collaboration between enterprises, and the strategic success of businesses. Many authors argue that successful IS development is most likely to be achieved by the adoption of a formalized system of development methodologies. Development methodologies may vary in terms of the model adopted. Commercial and Open-source software are the main, well-known models available. Both of them possess their own pros and cons. To avoid the problems associated with these two models, an intermediate model is proposed in this study. In fact, the contribution of this study is to cover the gap in research and literature on issues related to ICT in the Libyan Higher Education (LHE) system, evaluating the LHE system (especially universities) and its readiness for implementing in-house applications, and finally trying to implement collaboratively-developed, cloud-based multi-tenant ERP systems (CD-ERP) within the LHE system that will serve all the Libyan public universities and the planners of the LHE at the Ministry of Education as well. This study focuses on the following: 1) investigating international examples which use a similar approach; 2) investigating the Libyan context and how to equip Libyan universities and their working environment to adopt the CD-ERP approach; 3) appraising findings from a review of the relevant literature and 4) proposing a system prototype accordingly. In the talk, the I will emphasize the following: 1. The background of the proposed model. 2. The theoretical framework of the study. 3. The findings so far i) Findings from a short-visit to the University of Tripoli (UOT) as part of the pilot study. ii) An empirical study of the online system of UOT as part of the pilot study. iii) Findings from the literature review (ERP, Collaboratively-Development, Cloud