Najnowsze trendy w prognozowaniu cen energii elektrycznej: uśrednianie prognoz po oknach kalibracji [Recent advances in electricity price forecasting: averaging forecasts across calibration windows] Tomasz Serafin, Rafał Weron (Matematyka Stosowana, Wydział Matematyki, PWr, Wrocław; Katedra Badań Operacyjnych, Finansów i Zastosowań Informatyki, PWr, Wrocław) A variety of methods and ideas have been tried for electricity price forecasting over the last two decades, with varying degrees of success. In the first part of the talk, Rafał Weron will provide a short overview of the recent advances. Then, in the second part, Tomasz Serafin will introduce a novel concept in energy forecasting and show that averaging day-ahead electricity price forecasts of a predictive model across calibration windows ranging from 28 to 1095 days yields better results than selecting only one "optimal" window length, not only ex-ante, but usually also ex-post. Even more significant accuracy gains can be achieved by averaging over a few carefully selected windows and assigning larger weights to windows that have performed well in the past. Based on: [1] K. Hubicka, G. Marcjasz, R. Weron (2018) A note on averaging day-ahead electricity price forecasts across calibration windows, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy ( Working paper version available from RePEc: [2] G. Marcjasz, T. Serafin, R. Weron (2018) Selection of calibration windows for day-ahead electricity price forecasting, Energies 11(9), 2364 (