Wyzwania związane z transformacją energetyczną w Polsce - aspekty techniczne, finansowe i społeczne [Challenges related to Polish Energy Transition - technical, financial and social aspects] Bartosz Sobik (SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Poland) Energy transition is a key challenge not only on a cross-sectoral perspective, but also on an entire economy-wide level. The energy transition aggregates three levels: technical, financial and social. Each of these brings with it a number of challenges. The existing investment gap in the electricity sector, problems related to acquiring capital for large investment projects, as well as the need to decarbonise the energy sector are the fundamental challenges facing the energy sector in Poland. This seminar will present the key challenges to the implementation of the energy transition in Poland, as well as the steps that need to be taken to implement key energy investments. Operating in the reality of the current energy and geopolitical crisis makes the energy transition an even greater and more important challenge.