Różnorodni trwamy, zjednoczeni upadamy: Symulacja konkurencyjnych mechanizmów polaryzacyjnych i pro-różnorodnościowych [Diverse we stand, united we fall: Simulating competing polarization and pro-diversity mechanisms] Paweł Sobkowicz (NOMATEN Centre of Excellence, National Centre for Nuclear Research, Świerk) Most of the sociophysics opinion dynamics simulations consider easily changeable individual opinions and modifiable social links. We assume that the contacts between agents leading to greater similarity of opinions, and the tendency of the agents having similar opinions to group together. These mechanisms lead, in many types of models, to significant polarization, understood as separation between groups of agents having conflicting opinions. These models describe the tendency for increased polarization observed in many modern democratic societies - a tendency often described as dangerous and detrimental to societal well-being. In this work we present a model that compares these polarization-leading mechanisms with a new mechanism, aimed to describe the effects of preserving local diversity, in particular, the benefits of close contacts between the agents of opposite types. The immediate goal is to answer the question: why in the past societies were less polarized? What is the advantage of social links among diverse agents? The ultimate goal of this research project is to understand if it is possible to reverse the polarization trend - and if so, what should be done to achieve this.