Analiza DEA potencjału eksportowego portugalskiego przemysłu obuwniczego: Gdy koncentrujemy się na nieefektywnych [Analyzing the export potentials of the Portuguese footwear industry with Data Envelopment Analysis: When the inefficient are the focus]* Dimitris Sotiros (Católica Porto Business School and CEGE, Porto, Portugal) Increasing exports is widely believed to play a central role in economic development and firms' profitability, particularly in countries with small domestic markets. With that aim, governments and firms spend considerable resources on international promotion. Identifying the markets with the greatest potential for export growth is therefore crucial for an efficient allocation of public and private resources. In this paper, we propose a novel Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) assessment framework to identify trading potentials with existing trading partner countries. We illustrate its application with an actual case - the Portuguese footwear industry. * Joint work with M. Conceição Silva and V. Rodrigues