Wykorzystanie wygładzonej regresji kwantylowej do prognozowania probabilistycznego cen energii elektrycznej [Smoothing Quantile Regression Averaging for probabilistic electricity price forecasting] Bartosz Uniejewski Katedra Badań Operacyjnych i Inteligencji Biznesowej, PWr, Wrocław Quantile Regression Averaging (QRA) has sparked interest in the electricity price forecasting community after its unprecedented success in the Global Energy Forecasting Competition 2014, where the top two winning teams in the price track used variants of QRA. However, recent studies have revealed the method’s deficiency. Firstly, the quality of forecasts significantly decreases when the set of regressors is larger than just a few. Secondly, interval predictions obtained with QRA tend to be too narrow. The problem is definitely more visible for early morning hours, but it does not disappear completely during the remaining hours of the day. Here, we introduce Smoothing Quantile Regression Averaging (SQRA), a novel approach that addresses the problem of too narrow interval predictions. It outperforms not only the standard QRA but also a number of other benchmarks.