Stochastyczne planowanie rozwoju sieci elektroenergetycznej (STEP): Dekompozycja i uwzględnienie magazynów energii [Stochastic Transmission Expansion Planning (STEP): Decomposition and inclusion of energy storage] Endika Urresti (Interdisciplinary Division for Energy Analyses, NCBJ, Otwock-Świerk) Stochastic Transmission Expansion Planning (STEP) is an optimization formulation based on scenarios, which seeks to find the optimal configuration of the electricity transmission network from the investment and energy market point of view. However, the size of the problem is huge and Benders' decomposition is required to solve it given the currently available computer infrastructure. In addition, the traditional planning procedures have to be modified to be able to incorporate the features of the new technologies (FACTS, storage, converters, HVDC connections, etc.). A common belief is that the increasing penetration of renewable energy sources (RES) requires strengthening the transmission system due to the high variability and differences in power flow patterns throughout the day. Building new transmission lines is not always the cost optimal solution, especially in places where the power system faces intermittent and not so significant congestions. In such a context, storage may be of particular interest. In the presentation, the STEP problem will be presented, including the formulation, the decomposition scheme and the inclusion of storage devices into the transmission expansion planning process.