Prognozowanie konsumpcji gazu ziemnego z wykorzystaniem odpornej metody MARS Prediction of natural gas consumption using robust MARS Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber (Wydział Inżynierii Zarządzania, Politechnika Poznańska) Multivariate Adaptive Regression Spline (MARS) is a modern methodology of data mining, statistical learning and estimation theory that is essential in both regression and classification. In recent years, MARS is applied in various areas of science, technology, finance, and engineering. It is a form of flexible non-parametric regression analysis capable of modeling complex data. There, it is supposed that the input data are known exactly and equal to some nominal values to construct a model. However, both output and input data include noise in real life. Solutions to optimization problems may present significant sensitivity to perturbations in the parameters of the problem. So, optimization affected by parameter uncertainty is a focus of the mathematical programming and a need to handle uncertain data when optimization results are combined within real-life applications. As a result, in inverse problems of modeling, solutions to the optimization problems involved in MARS can represent a remarkable sensitivity with respect to perturbations in the parameters which base on the data, and a computed solution can be highly infeasible, suboptimal, or both. Under this motivation, we have included the existence of uncertainty into MARS and robustified it through robust optimization which is proposed to cope with data and, hence, parametric uncertainty. We have represented Robust MARS (RMARS) under polyhedral uncertainty. In our previous studies, although we had small data sets for our applications, the uncertainty matrices for the input data had a huge size since vertices were too many to handle. Consequently, we had no enough computer capacity to solve our problems for those uncertainty matrices. To overcome this difficulty, we obtained different weak RMARS (WRMARS) models for all sample values (observations) applying a combinatorial approach and solved them by using MOSEK program. Indeed, we have a trade-off between tractability and robustification. In this presentation, we present a more robust model using cross-polytope and demonstrate its performance with the application of Natural Gas consumption prediction. Applying robustification in MARS, we aim to reduce the estimation variance. Based on: [1] Özmen, A., Batmaz, I., and Weber, G.-W. (2014) Precipitation modeling by polyhedral RCMARS and comparison with MARS and CMARS, Environmental Modeling and Assessment 19(82), 425–435. [2] Özmen, A., Weber, G.-W., Çavuşoğlu, Z., and Defterli, Ö. (2013) The new robust conic GPLM method with an application to finance: Prediction of credit default, Journal of Global Optimization 56(2), 233-249. [3] Özmen, A., Yilmaz, Y., and Weber, G.-W. (2018) Natural gas consumption forecast with MARS and CMARS models for residential users, Energy Economics 70, 357–381.