Analiza zachowania prosumentów na rynku energii i segmetacja konsumentów [Analysis of prosumer behavior in the energy market and consumer segmentation] Edyta Ropuszyńska-Surma, Magdalena Węglarz (ZIRO, PWr, Wrocław) Basing on the results of a research survey, household (consumer) segments are defined according to different factors. The most important factors influencing the installation of renewable energy sources (RES) are: availability of a flat area, expenditures on electricity, family size, and respondent's sex. The importance of these factors is verified by a Chi-square test. We also measure the correlation between households' willingness to install RES and their pro-ecological and pro-effectiveness behaviors. To our best knowledge, this is the first study on energy consumer segmentation according to respondent's sex, age, floor area, education and average expenditures on electricity. Six segments of households are defined, for which we conduct an analysis of: (1) their energy awareness, (2) their pro-ecological behaviors, such as switching off the lights, sorting rubbish, utilizing electro-rubbish, and (3) pro-effectiveness behaviors, such as washing or ironing at particular times, using eco-options in washing machines, having LED bulbs or A+++ home appliances.