Powiązania spotowych cen energii elektrycznej - dynamiczna analiza sieciowa* [Interconnectedness of spot electricity prices - a dynamic network analysis] Guan 'Ella' Yan (Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia) This study constructs dynamic Granger causality networks based on spot electricity prices of five regional markets in the Australian National Electricity Market (NEM). Based on a data set comprising electricity spot prices from 1 July 2010 to 30 June 2017, we employ principal component analysis and generate Granger causality networks to examine the degree of interconnectedness of the NEM in a time-varying setting. We find that the derived measures of interdependence can be related to actual market events such as price spikes; unexpected high demand for electricity; sudden increase in price volatility; rebidding of dominant generators; the temporary or permanent outage of major power stations; as well as upgrades and limitations in transmission capacity. In the analysed network, we find that stronger dependence is exhibited by regional markets that are linked by interconnectors, while the direction of Granger causality can be related to interregional trade. Furthermore, this study examines the usefulness of the derived measures as early-warning indicators for upcoming periods of extreme prices and volatility. Overall, our results suggest rather limited predictive power of the interconnectedness measures for spot price behaviour in the NEM. *Joint work with Stefan Trueck