BI Day (10.01.2023)

Award ceremony

From left to right: Yash Chawla, Michał Marianiuk, Rafał Weron, 🥇 Katarzyna Chęć, 🥈 Kornelia Pikiewicz, 🥉 Julia Nasiadka, Jeremias van der Wardt

BI Day student 3-minute talks

We will not be as restrictive as 3MT (, but still there will be some limitations:

  • ⏰ max 3 min / person,
  • 🎞️ max 3 slides (static, no animations, only in PDF format, sent to me at least 48h before the meeting, i.e., before 8.01.2023, 9am; file name .pdf),
  • 📢 you are expected to present something interesting about your research activity during the BI Master Program (it can be preliminary results from your Master thesis).

Panelists from the industry

Michał Adamczyk (Data Science at HeadFound)

Yash Chawla (R&D Communications Advisor at

Emanuele Fabbiani (Founder, Head of Data Science at xtream)

Alex Hartmann (Data Science at HeadFound)

Michał Marianiuk (Head of Risk & Compliance Global Center Poland at BNY Mellon)

Kamil Świętek (Risk & Compliance Business Intelligence at BNY Mellon)

Jeremias van der Wardt (Team Leader, Data Science at HeadFound)

Panelists from the academia

Tentative schedule

  • 09.15-09.30 - Rafał Weron "Rules of the game"
  • 09.30-12.00 - 3-minute talks (with Q&A sessions and a discussion after each block)
    • Block #1 (🎓🎓🎓🎓 randomly selected students) ‍
    • Jeremias van der Wardt "Headhunting at HeadFound"
    • Block #2 (🎓🎓🎓🎓🎓 randomly selected students)
    • Emanuele Fabbiani "Data science at xtream"
    • Block #3 (🎓🎓🎓🎓 randomly selected students)
    • Yash Chawla "R&D communications at"
    • Block #4 (🎓🎓🎓🎓 students)
  • 12.00-13.30 - Lunch break
  • 13.30-14.45 - Presentations by the industry partners (with Q&A sessions)
  • 14.45-15.00 - 🏆 Award ceremony (for the best student presentations)

Judging criteria

  • Comprehension & content graded on a scale of 😵‍💫 (1) to 🥳 (7) by each panelist
    • Presentation provided clear background and significance to the research question
    • Presentation clearly described the research strategy/design and the results/findings of the research
    • Presentation clearly described the conclusions, outcomes and impact of the research
  • Engagement & communication graded on a scale of 😵‍💫 (1) to 🥳 (7) by each panelist
    • The oration was delivered clearly, and the language was appropriate for a non-specialist audience
    • The slides were well-defined and enhanced the presentation
    • The presenter conveyed enthusiasm for their research and captured and maintained the audience's attention
  • Grading scale
    1. 😵‍💫 Does not meet expectations
    2. ☹️ Demonstrates competency but some major weaknesses
    3. 😕 Demonstrates competency but some significant weaknesses
    4. 😐 Good, but some flaws
    5. 😎 Very good, only very minor flaws
    6. 😁 Excellent, almost flawless
    7. 🥳 Outstanding, no flaws


  1. Michał Arkit "The role of digital marketing tools in shaping the marketing strategy of a concert agency"
  2. Onur Balci "Using simulation modeling to diagnose the production process on the example of food manufacturing company"
  3. Katarzyna Chęć "Short-term forecasting of the seasonal component: Decision support in day-ahead electricity trading"
  4. Katarzyna Cugier "Analyzing the impact of Facebook posts and ad performance on sales"
  5. Maitrayee Dave "Application of the knapsack problem to project planning under uncertainty"
  6. Karolina Dymek "Forecasting the furniture sales"
  7. Esperanza Fernandez Olavarrieta "Real estate sales management using techniques of data mining based on the Mexican market data"
  8. Wiktoria Fojtar "Analyzing the impact of social media and digital marketing on consumer purchasing habits of Generation X, Y and Z"
  9. Paweł Kasztelan "The use of text data mining for business decision support in scientific and R+D organizations"
  10. Ahmad Megdadi "Information management in times of war by detecting fake news"
  11. Shangwe Muba "Determination of critical activities in projects under consideration of time estimation credibility"
  12. Kennedy Mwangi "Exploring the need for traffic speed enforcement cameras in Polish villages from the lens of safety and management"
  13. Julia Nasiadka "Teaching and research efficiency of Polish higher education institutions: New theoretical developments and managerial insights"
  14. Kornelia Pikiewicz "Determining the duration of projects with uncertain activity durations under the consideration of dependencies between activities durations"
  15. Jakub Stonoga "Project success - its perception from the perspective of the project manager"
  16. Hammad Ullah "Ensemble forecasting of electricity prices for managing a power portfolio"
  17. Yue Wu "Optimize project duration based on the grilled steak case"

"How to win the 3MT" workshop materials

I encourage you to read the guidelines at:

3MT Workshop delivered by Peter Browne and Megan Brewer (