BI Day (9.01.2024)

Award ceremony

From left to right: Dimitris Sotiros, Yash Chawla, Katarzyna Maciejowska, 🥉 Natalia Czyżyk, 🥇 Natalia Kosińska, 🥈 Adriana Naumczuk, Rafał Weron, Emanuele Fabbiani, Łukasz Kliś, Wojciech Gurgul

BI Day student 3-minute talks

We will not be as restrictive as 3MT (, but still there will be some limitations:

  • ⏰ max 3 min / person,
  • 🎞️ max 3 slides (static, no animations, only in PDF format, sent to me at least 24h before the meeting, i.e., before 8.01.2024, 9am; file name .pdf),
  • 📢 you are expected to present something interesting about your research activity related to Business Intelligence (it can be preliminary results of your Master thesis).

Panelists from the industry

Wojciech Gurgul (Entrepreneur & advisor, former CEO of Xebia Poland and PGS Software)

Emanuele Fabbiani (Founder, Head of AI at xtream)

Łukasz Kliś (Director, Data Risk Management at BNY Mellon)

Piotr Magnuszewski (Science Director at Centre for Systems Solutions)

Panelists from the academia


  • 09.15-09.30 - Rafał Weron "Rules of the game"
  • 09.30-10.45 - 3-minute talks (with Q&A sessions and a discussion after each block)
    • Block #1 (🎓🎓🎓 randomly selected students)
    • Emanuele Fabbiani "AI: From buzzword to competitive advantage"
    • Block #2 (🎓🎓 randomly selected students)
    • Łukasz Kliś "Growth opportunities BNY Mellon offers its employees"
    • Block #3 (🎓🎓🎓 students)
  • 10.45-11.00 - Break
  • 11.00-12.30 - Business presentations (ca. 15 minutes each, with Q&A sessions)
    • 🎓 Jan Krzempek and 🎓 Erwin Marysiok "Example pitch deck presentation of product - GoThere app" (with 🎓 Sebastian Suwada)
    • Wojciech Gurgul "Spend each day trying to be a little wiser than you were when you woke up"
    • Emanuele Fabbiani "Talking AI with a CEO - Lessons from the Real World"
    • Piotr Magnuszewski "Social simulation games"
  • 12.30-13.00 - 🏆 Award ceremony (for the best student presentations)

Judging criteria

  • Comprehension & content graded on a scale of 😵‍💫 (1) to 🥳 (7) by each panelist
    • Presentation provided clear background and significance to the research question
    • Presentation clearly described the research strategy/design and the results/findings of the research
    • Presentation clearly described the conclusions, outcomes and impact of the research
  • Engagement & communication graded on a scale of 😵‍💫 (1) to 🥳 (7) by each panelist
    • The oration was delivered clearly, and the language was appropriate for a non-specialist audience
    • The slides were well-defined and enhanced the presentation
    • The presenter conveyed enthusiasm for their research and captured and maintained the audience's attention
  • Grading scale
    1. 😵‍💫 Does not meet expectations
    2. ☹️ Demonstrates competency but some major weaknesses
    3. 😕 Demonstrates competency but some significant weaknesses
    4. 😐 Good, but some flaws
    5. 😎 Very good, only very minor flaws
    6. 😁 Excellent, almost flawless
    7. 🥳 Outstanding, no flaws


  1. Maria Aya, "Sustainability assessment and strategy for 'Territorio Colombia': An environmental, social, and economic diagnosis"
  2. Natalia Czyżyk, "An agent-based analysis of consumer preferences in the introduction of novel sustainable cosmetics"
  3. Natalia Kosińska, "Humbak whales and mathematics"
  4. Aleksandra Mazij, "Design and implementation of a database supporting order fulfillment management at Pacon manufacturing company"
  5. Adriana Naumczuk, "Data prediction using the time series and artificial neural networks"
  6. Vedant Sharma, "The impact of generative AI on social commerce : A comparative analysis for Gen Y and Gen Z"
  7. Joanna Wantoła, "Analysis of the impact of an improvement in the accuracy of forecasts on the profits of electricity storage units"

"How to win the 3MT" workshop materials

I encourage you to read the guidelines at:

3MT Workshop delivered by Peter Browne and Megan Brewer (