10 points for a stronger LinkedIn profile !

First Published on: 27th April 2017, Updated: 18 April 2023 (c) Yash Chawla

10 Points for Stronger LinkedIn Profile

With the Information Age making an increased impact in almost all sectors, competition in the professional world is soaring. Social networking has become an essential aspect of one's social, personal, and professional life. When it comes to professional networking, one of the best platforms available is LinkedIn, which boasts over 900 million members worldwide.

A strong LinkedIn profile is an asset for freshers, young professionals, and seasoned professionals alike. To create a compelling profile, the following ten points would come it very handy.

Point 1: Keep the Aim very clear & professional

LinkedIn is a platform dedicated to professional networking, and it is essential to maintain a clear perspective when utilizing it. It is advisable to connect with professionals in your field as well as related fields to expand your network. With a vast online presence of students, professionals across all career stages, entrepreneurs, and business owners, LinkedIn presents an excellent opportunity for learning and showcasing your skills. Therefore, the objective should be to connect with professionals globally, contributing to and learning from the dynamic professional world.

Point 2:  Keep your profile up-to date

All the information should be up to date. A comprehensive LinkedIn profile should encompass a range of fields that a professional must showcase. This includes educational qualifications, skills, attributes, volunteering experience, patents filed, papers published, and awards and recognition received. It is imperative to fill in all the details with the utmost care, avoiding spelling or grammatical errors and false information. The summary and headline should incorporate all relevant keywords pertaining to your career. Moreover, the Display Photo and Cover photo should be professional, adhering to proper dimensions. The Display Photo should capture the individual from head to torso, with professional attire and a clearly identifiable face.

Point 3: Collect & Give recommendations, that are true.

LinkedIn Recommendation is an excellent feature that allows individuals to request and write recommendations for relevant people. It is recommended to ask colleagues, superiors, subordinates, teachers, professors, mentors, and guides to provide recommendations and reciprocate the gesture. While writing recommendations, it is crucial to maintain authenticity and realism and request the same from those writing for you. It is vital to note that false recommendations can lead to a loss of credibility for both parties on a public platform.

Point 4: Endorse & Be Endorsed for Skills & Attributes

The Skills and Attributes section is a critical component of a LinkedIn profile. It is vital to list all your skills and attributes in decreasing order of importance, enabling LinkedIn to understand your areas of expertise. Requesting endorsements for your skills and attributes and endorsing others for their strengths can add value to your profile.

Point 5: Use you LinkedIn profile as your CV

Selecting an appropriate format for your curriculum vitae (CV) may prove to be a challenging task. However, LinkedIn offers a solution by allowing individuals to save their profiles in a standard PDF format, which is widely accepted by companies worldwide. The saved profile includes all the details filled out in the LinkedIn profile, including skills, attributes, volunteering experience, recommendations, and other pertinent information. Saves time, and increases confidence when applying for a job.

Point 6: Join / Create relevant groups & be active on them

LinkedIn groups provide an effective means of connecting with individuals whom you may not know but would like to establish a professional relationship with. Building your network on LinkedIn can be challenging due to its stricter privacy policies compared to other social networking platforms. While you can send connection requests to individuals you know, in some instances, you may require the person's specific email address to do so. Groups provide a platform to connect with new professionals and showcase your abilities while learning from the knowledge of others in your field. As a LinkedIn user, you can manage a maximum number of groups while being a member of up to 100 groups simultaneously. To learn more about the limits of LinkedIn groups, please refer to this resource.

Point 7: Be active & keep sharing

LinkedIn provides two primary options to share content on your profile: posts and articles. Posts can include text, images, links, documents, jobs and other types of content, while articles are more akin to blog posts with a headline and cover photo. When deciding what to share, it's important to consider your goals, ensure that the content is easy to understand, and use graphics or images to make a stronger impact. Additionally, it's important to think about how the content will be perceived by your connections and those visiting your profile for the first time. If you are not familiar with graphic design software, platforms like Canva can help you create attractive visuals. It's essential to let your content reflect your professional persona and avoid sharing personal content on LinkedIn. By following these guidelines, you can make the most of LinkedIn's content-sharing features to enhance your professional presence.

Point 8: Be prompt & positive in replying to comments/messages

In the professional world, it is crucial to respond appropriately when someone reaches out to you, whether it be through a comment or message. Prompt and courteous responses demonstrate your professionalism and respect for others. It is advisable to refrain from responding to any comments or messages that may provoke you, and instead address questions or concerns in a respectful manner. In the case of receiving appreciation or congratulations, it is important to reply with gratitude. Similarly, when you receive a notification from LinkedIn on a connection's birthday, promotion or work anniversary, it is courteous to respond with best wishes or regards. However, it is important to maintain a professional tone and avoid sharing personal opinions or information. If you receive negative comments or messages, it is best to respond humbly or delete the comment. Retaliating or responding in an unprofessional manner could harm your credibility on a public platform.

Point 9: Provide proper means to let people contact you

It is essential to ensure that your LinkedIn profile provides sufficient contact information for people, especially those who are not personally acquainted with you or connected with you on LinkedIn. In addition to messaging and InMail, it is recommended to provide an email address that you can access and respond to in a timely manner. This email address should be publicly visible to all LinkedIn members to facilitate easy communication. It is crucial to keep in mind that opportunities can come from unexpected sources, and having accessible contact information can increase your chances of being contacted for professional opportunities.

Point 10: Follow Companies & Keep Track of your Profile/Post Views

Sharing current and relevant content is crucial for companies to showcase their work, job vacancies, and industry insights. This can be particularly helpful for job seekers who aspire to work for a specific organization. LinkedIn's unique profile and post views feature allows users to track the number of views their profile receives in a 30-day period. For non-paid LinkedIn members, the names of the first few profile visitors are visible, while premium users can view all profile visitors. It is essential to check the profile views section regularly to gain insight into who is viewing your profile, their industry, and their sector. This information can help you understand your impact on the professional community and potentially lead to new opportunities.

Summary and Conclusion

In today's world, with the increasing impact of the Information Age in all sectors, competition in the professional world is soaring. Social networking has become an essential aspect of one's social, personal, and professional life. LinkedIn, with over 900 million members worldwide, is one of the best platforms for professional networking. Creating a strong LinkedIn profile is crucial for professionals at any stage of their career. To create a compelling profile, it is essential to keep the objective clear, keep the profile up-to-date, collect and give true recommendations, endorse and be endorsed for skills and attributes, use the LinkedIn profile as a CV, join or create relevant groups and be active on them, be active and keep sharing, and be prompt and positive in replying to comments and messages. By following these guidelines, professionals can maximize the potential of LinkedIn and enhance their professional presence.

You can visit my LinkedIn profile by Clicking Here
