National research grants
Short-term forecasting of intraday electricity prices , grantNCN 2019/34/E/HS4/00060, konkurs SONATA BIS, W8 PWr, Wrocław, 2020-2025,
Principal Investigator: Katarzyna Maciejowska
[budget: 1 542 000 PLN]- Structural analysis of wholesale electricity market with SVAR models: Assessment of effects of renewable energy sources on the level and variability of electricity prices , grant NCN 2016/21/D/HS4/00515, konkurs SONATA, W8 PWr, Wrocław, 2017-2020,
Principal Investigator: Katarzyna Maciejowska [budget: 137 800 PLN] - Probabilistic forecasting of electricity prices and demand for risk management purposes , grant NCN 2013/11/B/HS4/01061, OPUS grant scheme, W8 PWr, Wrocław, 2016-2019
Principal Investigator: Rafał Weron
Colaborators (among others): Katarzyna Maciejowska - Economic consequences of consumer opinion formation and decision making: Agent-based modeling of innovation diffusion, grant NCN 2013/11/B/HS4/01061, OPUS grant scheme, W8 PWr, Wrocław, 2014-2017
Principal Investigator: Rafał Weron
Investigators (among others): Katarzyna Maciejowska
Industry projects
- R&D activities for TAURON Ekoenergia under project POIR.01.02.00-00-0221/16, Development of a platform allowing for aggregation of production and regulatory potential of dispersed renewable energy sources and energy storage, and selected categories of controllable loads , W5 and W8 PWr, Wrocław, 2017-2020
Principal Investigators: Tomasz Sikorski (W5), Rafał Weron (W8)
Investigators (among others): Katarzyna Maciejowska