How to prepare?
You have been accepted for BI or you continue your studies. The new term is coming and you want to prepare for it. Great! Below you can find some useful information and links.
Lets start with the structure of the studies.

Frist term
In the first term, you will learn how to use different programing environments. In order to prepare for the term, please get familar with basic structures and coments of Matlab, R and Python.
As a PWr student, you will get a free access to Matlab. Pyhton and R are open source, so you can download them whenever you need:
Don't worry, you don't need to be good at programing, but you will feel more comfortable knowing the basics. During the term you will have a lot of work, so get prepared in advance. Below you can find links to tutorials:
Second term
In the second term, you will continue to develop your analytic skills with the programing platforms you already know. However, some new management subjects are introduced. The course Project Management will begin with a repetition of basic notions from project management, after which we will enter into more advanced topics. During the lab classes we will work with Microsoft Project software, which you can download ( and install on your computers.
During the second term you will choose a topic of your master thesis. If you have time, think about your interests and the area of research that is the most useful for you in the future. You will meet your potential supervisors during the BI Day in November - get prepared to make the decision easier!